Wednesday, February 20, 2008

drugs and alcohol

Smoking, drinking, and doing drugs can really affect people's lives. Is your life affected? Discover the truth in this section.

My friend thinks I have a drinking and drug problem. What should I do?

Using alcohol or drugs regularly is usually just a step away from addiction — where you depend on these substances just to feel good or get through your day.

Here are a few of the early warning signs that someone may have a substance abuse problem:

  • relying on drugs or alcohol to have fun, forget problems, or relax
  • having blackouts
  • drinking or using drugs alone
  • withdrawing or keeping secrets from friends or family
  • losing interest in activities that used to be important
  • performing differently in school (such as grades dropping and frequent absences)
  • building an increased tolerance to alcohol or drugs — gradually needing more and more of the substance to get the same feeling
  • lying, stealing, or selling stuff to get money for drugs or alcohol

It's usually hard for people to recognize they have a problem, which is why friends or family often step in. People who are addicted to drugs or alcohol may promise over and over that they'll stop. But quitting is hard to do, and many people find they can't do it without help. The best thing you can do is to talk to someone you trust — preferably an adult who can support you — so you don't have to deal with your problem alone.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Cowardly Act

One reason I usually hear from youngsters about drug use is the mere curiosity of it. I don't know about you all, but such reason i think is kinda lame and shallow... We may be young, full of life, hungry for fun and excitement and our curiosities and inquiries make us all different from the rest of the world. Seemingly, not so many people understand us. Yet, amidst these, we should have all the caution in what were getting ourselves in to. Trying out drugs because our friends told us to do and in our overwhelming desire to belong, we succumb to their persuasions. However, belonging and being secured in a group is the start of a battle of addiction. In deception, a simple curiosity and the longing to belong end up in a long and painful journey that leads to death and destruction.

Another reason I have observed, which may sound valid to some, is the use of these substances to escape the agony of reality. Much like alcohol, drugs are used to temporarily forget all the problems and struggles life throws you. While you enjoy the fleeting feeling of euphoria and extreme happiness, you do not realize that as the chemical effects slowly subside, you're back to the same life you were trying to escape from. Since you loved the artificial feelings of joy, you try it again and again until you 'll have that yearning that you can't just have enough. By the time you realize that 'the yearning' becomes an added problem to your existing shitty life, you're hooked up with it in constant desire and craving. The escape itself becomes a problem.

You may think that I can easily say these things 'coz im not in your shoes. Yes, probably, but, hey man, a lot more people had much worst situations than yours. And as I look at them, they did not end up being an addict or a pusher. They did not pay evil for evil. They made right choices that brought them to right doors and eventually the right kind of life --- a life that's not perfect, but truly joyful with reason and purpose.

Whatever reasons you may have, but USING DRUGS IS A COWARDLY ACT. Life may indeed throw us countless despair, but all these, i believe, are just to teach us. TO TEACH US ABOUT LIFE. We may not know what's ahead, but I'm sure there is HOPE, because we were MADE FOR A REASON. Take the first step, SAY NO TO DRUGS, SAY YES TO GOD, our Creator, who knows us well, cares and loves us much more than we will know and imagine.

Below, I have specified common substances abused and its effects. If you're someone who's enticed and deceived by the world to try out taking drugs, please THINK again. These drugs have therapeutic effects that's why some were used in certain medical conditions in the past. However, the bad effects of the drugs outweigh the good effects. These drugs are addicting which means they leave people who try it with psychological cravings. Further use cause tolerance. For those who are long-time users of illicit drugs, I want to tell you there is hope. If you're afraid of the withdrawal effects, please be aware that certain substances may be given by the medical specialists to lessen the withdrawal symptoms as you wean from the drugs. A lot of people can help if you want to be clean, but the decision should come first from you.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Anti-Drugs Campaign: 'Value yourself...make healthy choices'

Anti-drugs campaign targets teenagers and young adults, a group that is particularly vulnerable to drug abuse. At this age, peer pressure to try illicit drugs can be strong and self-esteem is often low. Moreover, those who take drugs tend to be either misinformed or insufficiently aware about the health risks involved.

While young people talk a lot about the “highs” induced by illegal drugs, they may not be aware of the many “lows”.

Monday, January 28, 2008

A Beloved Creation

We are God's creation. We are made in His likeness and deeply loved by our Creator. If we realize our life's value, who would prefer the the fleeting feelings of being "high" in cowardly using drugs.